Hi, <<First Name>>. "Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity." ~Simone Weil
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Mardin Amiri
(408) 210-2073
Amiri Realty Group
Mardin here, wishing you a wonderful season of holiday traditions. I hope you and your loved ones are able to share time together, which is the most precious gift of all. I'll see you in the New Year! ~Mardin

Just for fun...
How to run a business like Santa Claus

  • Be aware. Know when opportunity is sleeping. Know when opportunity is awake. Act accordingly.
  • Be organized. Have a list. Check it twice.
  • Be psychic about the market: Give your customers exactly what they've always wanted. 
  • Don't be afraid of hiring those who are different: Rudolph. Red Nosed. Reindeer. Enough said.
  • Have a clear, singular mission, like "Spend all year making toys, then deliver them in 24 hours on Christmas Eve."
  • Know your customer...who's naughty and nice for your business.
  • Be a wise and jolly leader. 
~Inspired by "Santa Business Model" by speaker Jim Carroll

Real Estate Today
How Long will this Take?

Now that we've had some fun with Santa's business model, let's get serious about the real estate market. I'm sure you know that real estate is taking a dip right now. When that happens, it's hard to remember that real estate is like a roller coaster: what goes down always comes back up. Still, the question on everyone's mind is, How long will it take? History might hold an answer...
In 1982, fixed rate mortgage interest peaked around 18% (can you imagine?). Over the next 11 years, rates began a slow decline until 1993, when rates reached 7.5%, similar to today. At that point, rates essentially froze for the next 16 years. It wasn't until 2009 that rates dropped to 5% and below. If history repeats itself, 1) today's rates could go much higher, and 2) the decline back to lower rates could take as long as 27 years (the period from 1982 to 2009). 

Will this happen? Your guess is as good as mine. But if I look into my foggy crystal ball, I think rates are likely to stabilize for a while between 6% and 8% (I'm hedging my bets). 

My sense is that now is a good time to sell a home to get maximum profit. Values are unlikely to rise much more, and may fall further if rates climb again. Call for an appointment to discuss the pros and cons. Mardin, (408) 210-2073

December Quiz

There are three boxes of ornaments. In each box there is either a set of big ornaments, small ornaments or big and small ornaments mixed. The boxes are labelled BIG, SMALL, and MIXED but each box is labelled incorrectly. What is the least number of boxes you can open to know which ornaments are in which box?

Send Your Answer Now

Nuggets of News

Condos are a good choice for first-time buyers

Many first-time home buyers are chasing the idea of a cozy home with a large yard for the dog and swing set for the kids. But that might not be the best move for the first home buyer. I put together this list of six unique reasons that I think you (or someone you know) might want to start with a condo instead of a freestanding house.

Looking for stocking stuffer ideas? How about inexpensive gifts for DIY-ers

I'm always looking for unique and useful gifts that someone can use around the house. I am a Realtor, after all. This year I'm looking at little specialized DIY tools. These are off-the-wall kinds of tools that most of us don't buy for ourselves, which is what makes them such cool gifts. Most are under $20. Here's a list of six, but you can also Google "diy tools for stocking stuffers" to get more ideas.

OMG! You'll enjoy this 

100 fantastic Airbnb designs from around the world each won $100,000 in 2022, simply for being amazing. It's part of a promotion done by Airbnb to encourage creativity and smart business strategies for Airbnb hosts. Check out the wild and crazy units found in the Airbnb category called OMG! 

Here are 3 things recent homebuyers  regret...

  1. "I wish I had put more effort into finding a good Realtor instead of assuming it didn't matter. We lost thousands because of an inexperienced agent." Don't let this happen to you! Call me (or refer me to your friends) for experienced real estate representation.
  2. "I wish we would have gotten individual inspections by professionals on top of the overall inspection." A home inspection is only the first inspection, showing you what specialist inspections you need next.
  3. "I regret not using a local lender. I went with a big one-size-fits-all online mortgage company. They didn't know about a specialty program that could have saved me thousands." Local lenders know about special loan incentives. Plus you can talk to a local lender in person about your situation. Text or call me for referrals to local lenders. (408) 210-2073

Easy muffin hack for the holidays

Want lighter, fluffier muffins for the gang this holiday season? Try this kitchen hack. Add a little bit of raw rice to the bottom of your muffin tins before adding the paper cups and mix. The rice will absorb grease and prevent that burned bottom that no one likes. 

Lose Weight by Eating Only When the Sun's Up

I thought this was interesting. New research sheds light on one reason why people who eat at night gain more weight, even when they're active. It might be due to a signal in our bodies related to circadian rhythms, making our bodies burn more fat during daylight than at night, regardless of activity. Researchers discovered this by feeding two groups of mice the same diet, but feeding one group only during their sleep cycle and the other only during their wake cycle. The mice fed during their sleep cycle gained weight, while the others lost weight, all other factors being equal. Read more.

The connection between Holly and Christmas

Did you know that Holly might be the reason we use red and green for the Christmas season? With glossy green leaves and bright red berries that stay fresh all winter, holly has been used as winter decor as far back as the Druids. Some stories in Christian lore say Christ’s cross was made of holly wood, and in parts of Europe the tree is called “Christ’s thorn,” or “holy tree.”

Just for Fun

Story Time
A Holiday Lesson in Integrity

A man took his two kids to a Santa-themed event at his local shopping center. Santa would be there and the kids could pet live reindeer. When he arrived at the place, he was surprised to see an entrance fee. 

•    General admission: (ages 10 and up) $10
•    Children under 10: $5

Thinking this was outrageous, he wanted to leave, but he had made a promise to the kids. Sighing, he went to the window and asked for three general admission tickets.

The man in the booth looked at the kids and asked, “How old are your boys?”

“They're both 10 years old,” said the father, smiling at the boys. “They're twins.”

The man leaned forward. “You know,” he said to the father conspiratorially, “you could have said they were 9 years old to get the cheaper tickets, and I never would have known.”
 “Yeah,” said the father back, “but they would have.”
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agent image     Mardin Amiri
(408) 210-2073
Amiri Realty Group

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